Today is Labor Day, the day that celebrates Werk, and the one day that nobody but the retail service people actually does any work on. Just a little thing I have noticed through the years.
Market Scan China Sweats U.S. Debt Securities, Pressuring Prices Melinda Peer, 03.13.09, 10:25 AM EDT Apprehension from Beijing regarding its the security of its massive U.S. assets causes prices on Treasuries to fall. If they are concerned, maybe we should be concerned. This is a big O can of WTF that is yet to be fully opened. I can at this time only say, wow, where did it all go, where did it go?
Chasing the money? How do I chase the money? When I need to look for a way to fund something, I look through ways to raise money online. I hear about all types of people who have raised money through the internet for whatever causes. I keep trying to find these people, figure out what it is that they did, and how I can apply that to my situation. So far nothing is coming out of my search.
Blog Test I am looking over my blogs in the past on this particular blog. I see that I am still testing the waters, and haven't developed my style yet. I haven't even settled on a particular signature yet. So I will continue to test things, and see if they get responses. So far no one really has responded, but I don't really care, because this is for my benefit, and maybe I want to publish stuff that doesn't matter to anyone else, so it doesn't matter to me what others really think, at not in reference to this blog. I have several other blogs, most of them are more pointed, and some of them are even private, so I will continue to publish in some form. There is no such thing as private, as even though I may make a blog private on the server, it is on the server and if at some time they decided to make it public it is well within their rights unless I pull the data of the server before it can go public. Any way I have a bunch of stuff to publish here now so tha...
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