A Prattle Brain Mystery “The matron of the arts is here to see you sir,” the girl said. “Well then, send her in, send her in” the man said. “To what do I owe this honor?” asked the man? “We are very interested in your recent acquisitions,” the matron said. “We were curious if you were interested in allowing the Guild to present them in a private show.” “Ah, I see, for the benefit of the Guild perhaps” asked the man? “Yes, well yes, for the Guild, but also for the House as well, of course” said the matron. “Only in a private show then, not a public show,” the man said. “The content is such that we do not feel that it would benefit the commoner in that manor, however it could be if you so desired, as the House may wish it,” said the matron. “Yes as the House may wish it, that is perhaps the most precise manor in which you could present it,” said the man. “Can we count on your participation?” The matron asked. “Perhaps, I should want to think of the subject yet.” ...